For interaction with MYOblue v1.0, we provide the
MYOblue_GUI program - a free open source cross-platform graphical interface in the Python programming language for visualizing, analyzing and processing
EMG signals in real time.
Supported operating systems: Windows 10, Linux, macOS.
The program is distributed free of charge under
MIT license .
MYOblue_GUI real-time visualization and processing of EMG signals coming from the MYOblue
v1.0. In fig. 7 shows a graphical program window with an example of signals by four modules.
MYO v1.4 EMG module and
MYO-micro v1.0 sensor we provide Elemyo_GUI.exe. And for
Wireless EMG system MYOstack we provide MYOstack_GUI.exe. The functionality is the same as MYOblue_GUI.